
Updates (August 18, 2024)

Self-control and to get respect. But what about God? Does it matter where you live?

From all my years of life, I heard that an individual person needs to work, get skilled and take risks to feel good at the highest level. When I work hard, get skilled and take on new opportunities, I grow and see life broader and more differently in a good way like a self-discovering journey.

But where is my female companion that also understands this mentality like me?

At the highest level, there is creativity and wonder.

Looking at it differently, there is some element of competition and power.

It is dark and light at the same time? Do I really need it? What do people need?

But at the highest level when everyone is 35+ years old who are restless and dreary, they are looking for something … something new … the second half of your life is looking out independently and singularly thirsting and looking for more? Are we adventurers?

I guess people when they get old look for something new to invigorate the mind … the reality if you are very able and independent minded is doing something ‘zoned out’ that takes time … maybe some effort.

In my Vietnamese culture with my family back home in Vietnam, it is OK to go full out thinking. But I am working with Ben Cybulski and other older people trying something new and pretty far out …

I am lucky to have these friends and people to work with … Who understands this? Is this path worth walking down?

In my groups, doing what I am doing has given me tons of respect in this physical world.

For older people in their 50s that I am meeting, the physical world with its good and bad scenarios are dealt with backwards and forwards.

A calm, openness collaboration with new ideas and opportunity to grow and fuse together is the solution like a new hybrid.

I am quite done now. I need to help my family now make money for a bit, maybe take the stereotypical treatment in society working until my family is up to par like me in education and experiences and openness and not backwards.

Will working in public society in just a ‘job’ be backwards? I think yes.

There are two things that happen in working public society which I am afraid of if I work a public job. There are definite categorizing of people put into slots based on 2000 years old stereotypical backwards superficial thinking. There is grit and resilience and the human spirit to take the abuse and show your humanity to deal with the treatment.

Do I need to work such a job? Maybe that is what I deserve in reality instead of going “thinking jobs”. It is great being 40 years old with life experiences to decide whether I need to really put myself out there or not to work public facing jobs.

Everyone learns everything and can do anything once they reach this point in their lives. Mostly all skills and jobs are attainable if you put in the time when you were young to study a lot of different things and get lots of experiences. Also when you are colored and can not use our external you ponder and think to mature fast.

But what are my peers in Canada who have now grown up now at middle-age? 99.999999% of them are using the 2000 year old stereotypes to their advantage and exploiting them being conservatives at the end really.

That means I should not be belittled and subjugated to the bad treatment I guess and work solely in the mind just like other subjugated people in history.

People are just people right?

I should focus on the good. And work with good people and surround myself more with good people I guess. While only focusing on the mind.

Everyone is different and everyone needs to voice their individual concerns and bond with someone long-term who understands their dilemma and understand the uniqueness of everyone and cherish and love people individually. This is especially true at old age to have a happy stable loving long life. This can be done in Canada.

All of this is talking bad and negative. There are people just like me I found in my life who don’t focus on the constant climbing and improvement as we actually have a pretty good life regardless and should be content and avoid problems. I just need to focus on my people out there and just live a thankful and gratitude life.

Having self-respect and self-control without indulging with the most blessed upright life that you can rest with.

I am supposed to be idyllic and a servant in the world. That is my God’s calling. That is what most people see me at rest.

I remember volunteering in a hospital. It was great. Maybe working life in a hospital won’t be that bad. I got to try it now.

I am pretty sure I can not continue living my way. I either got to work full time as a technician or work in healthcare. At least try. Try everything.

But is money really important here in Canada? When seeing other immigrants live who look like me, money ain’t important.

Also the only thing that really makes sense is to do what you like all day. It brings about best health, perfect good feelings, smarts, understanding life, broader different life. It fixes everything wrong in the world and puts you first. People will be unable to treat you badly when you are focused on play, fun and yourself. It truly is in the right when you are actually doing what you like. No one can criticize or comment. At the end of 100 years all you feel is just your mind.

The problem that affects me is different cultures make it a big deal. There is only one culture at the end though. It is the Western Liberal one that allows for change, growth and happiness.

You will be criticized at from both ends if thinking in “cultures” and not like a person. The only way to escape criticism is to rest doing your craft from the Western one. Just doing what you want thinking very Western and liberal. The only way to escape criticism from the other cultures of the world is to ignore them really and never interact with them to avoid any problems. The other cultures know their culture is not helping you at all. Best to ignore and think just like people.

Can you really understand people to a “T” and grow from it? I think you can as long as you learn what they know and learn more and taking the chance to build and develop more.

Usually professionals can learn and grow from every interactions to adapt and change. You got to get used to that and adapt too. But again the only growth is singularly doing what you love really to get that niche which is fun and relaxing and the old way.

You really got to go all in, in learning doing your thing and being smart to avoid misjudgment and criticism and from people trying to sway their opinion. For me it is bad but I guess I will have to sit here in my room doing my own thing.

I think building wealth and building generational wealth is not needed really for me. It only makes people lazy and not attain good things and not attain good health. It took me 15 years to overcome being stupid after finishing university in 2010.

You have to be on top of your game to avoid bad things and bad people. Everyone has their reasons to attain what they want but seriously, to get the bad “superficial” hold on physical low life is to keep learning and being on top of your game. If not you can just live simply and just be a person …

The more and more I socialize with people from all walks of life I realize their need to do the things they need. If I just socialize with people like me on my frequency, I don’t understand all of life. I don’t understand life from other people including my own. But old people who “look old” are all the same. Also mature people are all the same. They lost their young rebellious personality and are just living and learning and enjoying their second half of life. It is interesting getting old.

It seems the only route in the West to get health and good feelings is actually getting the degrees and education. That is all you can do. I think that is what the West was made for. You have to ignore the people that stop you or don’t see this.

There is normal life. There is education and there is work. After a while done both then there are people who shine like Ben. So after a mundane life or normal work, there exists Ben Cybulski? I guess that is what life really is after tolling through life. The amount of things to do and ways to think is unlimited now if you take the time to think after normal work. There are thinkers and doers like Ben. That is it I guess after living my mundane life.

The yearning for more mundane life is ceased and there are just cool far out so unique ideas from Ben.

After being so old and working a lot and experience quite a bit of life, working with Ben is a so cool and a relief. You aren’t focused on yourself. You are and aren’t. But putting your focus away brings about good feelings and things.

I was so focused on me for the past 10 years seeing how life is about improving and taking care of yourself. Now that I have some education and skills, the ideas and goals are created by Ben.

Normal life is all about your culture and individual culture sometimes. The medicines, foods and interactions you have taken are determined by society and by you. But what do you do when you are treated so poorly? What life do you have in society?

When the idea is so cool and out there, that is all there is. You work towards delivering that goal.