
Updates (August 17, 2024)

When you are 30 plus, life is just working on yourself to reach higher and higher and different thinking. Really different and far out.

This is what takes the cake here in Canada/West. This is how you achieve the ‘Canadian/American/North American dreams’ of life here when I reflect on my life as a “Vietnamese person” in Canada.

This is how I should live. Also …

Be open.

I am trying to think more …

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But I think I am doing too much and striving for more. It is getting to a point where it is excess and wrong. This is especially bad when I live in Canada and have what I have in life.

Is it really worth it to look for more? Do I have to indulge in my unsatiable desires? I don’t think so no more … . I don’t think I need more. I got to be balanced. I can find a wife who understands balance with me. I live in Canada and there should not be any worry realistically. I am in excess now. I got to think of the others.

Need to focus on the balance of life.

You can change. Change for the better. Change careers and lifestyle and ways.

I have to think about my culture too and see where I fit I think. That way I will find a wife here in Canada.

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I went far, far, far into the deep end of programming maybe. I started learning programming in 2017 in schools and now reached this fork in the road.

I did web development recently. I focused on becoming a real programmer. But that will take me decades to master. Decades to master WordPress at least. And ongoing. And I am already 40 years old.

I will be jobless still sitting in my chair in my home learning certificates, degrees, YouTubing and googling and programming for years not making money. No wife and no kids until I can actually really work, work. I only get jobs that require high levels of experience needed. There isn’t really entry-level jobs in programming for me. You have to love it all day or be really, really good at it.

When I went to Vietnam in 2015/2016, I met my 3rd distant aunt, she was in healthcare as a nurse in the city and she liked serving people. She was nicer than me and had a good life with great perfect kids. She had more than average and spent her life helping others and was satisfied with that. I felt similar to her. She lived a good life. She lived a perfect life in God’s care.

I worked with Ben Cybulski. It is amazing and endless. Very nice. Unlimited potential.

But personally I need a life of my own that is mine?

I feel that I have enough and have excess living here in Canada. I should not ask for more.

If I never explored life and did not do what I wanted, then I would not have reached this point in my life where everything I wanted and tried to do is finished and there are decisions to be made to go either further and make life choices here in Canada.

For some people, growing and exploring doesn’t exist for others and only themselves and their group. I guess everyone has their reasons.

When you get old, you realize everyone has reached the same point in life where people are people. I spend most of my life these days outside finding these people to socialize and associate with.

But it comes to the point where other factors will play to move on further.