
Updates (August 16, 2024)

Everyone gets old and learns from their mistakes and inexperience.

Some people experience life fast and have learned quite a lot.

There is a lot of judgement when people are young.

When people get old it stops and everything is easy going.

As an old person it is just avoiding the young inexperienced people who are so quick to judge and judge negatively. Also could be bad from different cultures …

It seems almost everyone is innocent and have their reasons.

The biggest problem I see is people not learning logic and maths to build, build. They just react 2-dimensionally.

I spent the last 15 years trying to learn computer programming and get creative and have my own niche.

This is after general school. But should it have been normal if I did it first? I guess everything happens for a reason to grow and learn from. Especially in Canada where there is more creative freedom.

Anyways, I learned something the other day. While shopping at a new supermarket in Oshawa, I interacted with the fellow customers. I realized there is actual life beyond what I think everyday for the past 40 years. Instead of the normal hustle and bustle, there is actual thinking bigger than what you watch on TV and on YouTube. It was very eye opening. Different talks now at this point in time in my life. Not the typical daily grind.

I wonder can I think also more different and unique in a more diverse area? It seems like it is a power struggle in schools. But out in a place like Mississauga can I think differently open and free? Will at least a different environment help me? Especially at my age? I wonder … Can I think different and new from my parents? I think that is what you should aspire to instead of thinking in terms of power struggle and control. More free thinking to think and allow to decide and act.

After the last couple of weeks, I learned that now at my age, anyone can actually learn anything and be anyone especially when they are mature. The whole study fast and get your degrees and get professional careers when you are young are for people who had to experience life quickly and needed it. Also they wanted to compete and have control and their opinion reign. This is so true when they are young and trying to get attention and power. Just outright “young” competition not paying to attention to everyday daily life where anything goes and people have their own unique life. I learned this comparison when socializing with people of my Vietnamese culture and the ones born in Canada. They are all aspiring for greater degrees and voicing their experiences changing the landscape where they live. It is different after 50 years after the Vietnam War. Vietnamese children are old now and are aspiring for greater things beyond the stereotypical.

Still there are a lot of general stereotypical thinking and push back. But that is avoidable when you are locked in socializing and working with older like minded people who are old.

The best way to avoid the push back is to just work on your craft and zone out to have your own thing going on for your own sake.

Being so open minded is such a great thing. I encountered so many obstacles trying to be open minded sometimes. Well I got to do thing for my own manly sake.

At the end it is all work.

You can focus just on doing work.