
Updates (August 15, 2024)

Posts that really get to me this week:

Everyone needs to improve and grow. Some people stop people from growing. There are lots of naysayers in the world. Especially younger people who are so competitive and inexperienced.

You are supposed to be a part of something greater. Striving for building new things is the best thing of life as a man. Striving for the human experience. I have my niche and it makes me feel alive and great.

What is my peace? Developing and solving problems in my niche and with my friends especially at my age. Programming is my peace. Even when I am not really good at it.

To get into the zone and further down is the best feeling in life. I understand how life is outside in the real world. I can not control the uncontrollable people. As an immigrant, I don’t have much and am lacking in every way. All I have is my niche and things that I like to do.

I should do what other immigrants have done in the past for the last 200+ years here in the West. Focus on my education and hobbies as everyone needs to grow and improve. There are tons and tons of prejudice and naysayers out there. You have to ignore them completely and shut them off as your life as an immigrant is also is important for your sake and life. It doesn’t help anyone when the naysayers don’t understand “the broadest perspective in life” in the real world. You got to cut them off until they learn to grow and behave.

You have to learn, grow and improve all aspects of your life. You can have it all but in time. Step-by-step learning and growing skills and relationships. It takes decades and not days. You are supposed to have everything because that is life.

At the end of the day, all you have is time alone doing something that is ‘alone’. The activity better be good.