
Updates (August 10, 2024)

Life now as a partly educated person with some work experience.

All life now is exercising, drinking plenty of fluids, tons of coffee and programming.

I guess that is life when you reached “thinking” bracket.

There are good and bad things about it.

The good is that you know the answers to life now. It is to keep educating and plugging away at programming to feel that “level”.

The bad is that there is nothing else. Anything else is bad and messes up your thinking and day. Any other thought is backwards and degrades you.

I guess I understand life finally???

Keep reaching for that abstraction thinking.

What do you obsess over? I know what I obsess over. I try to find and make solutions in Windows desktop utilities with my friends and family.

Working as a web developer did not work out that well. I have to push and push and push …

I guess you have to figure out what is needed on the market to get the work.

I need to learn more.

I need to see how to monetize my obsession and figure out what works in web development.

Is it just buying and using plug-ins? I think you have to design everything from scratch … That will require years and years of study and experimentation and being lost in the zone.

Seems like the only work I can do is teach and try to monetize my obsessions for now.

Can you really make a channel to talk about your passions in 2024?