
Updates (August 9, 2024)

After being old now at the age of 40 and learning to socialize a lot now, I realize how immature I was thinking for the past 15 years after finishing school back in 2010.

Life outside in the real world is like high school is true. Lookism plays a huge role in daily life.

First part of life is like high school until you get old, fat, get wrinkles, start graying and your face changes to look big, wide and ‘different’ … hopefully looking nice, mature and wise though. But at that point no one looks at you no more really. They might respect you and people ask for advice or guidance maybe. But you are in the old age bracket now. Ageism is all there is at this point …

Then after you focus on yourself.

Then it is all in your mind or you try to stay young …

Anyhow, I am Southeast Asian looking and need to focus on being smart and me for my own health.

I still get those looks and bad treatment even at my age when I am shopping and in public. The best course of action is to stay at home learning what I love and see where it takes me.

I don’t know the future.

All I can do now is education and doing my passions for now to give me happiness and some joy. I can specialize in my passions so that is nice.

But what can you do to feel good and stand out?

Do what the “majority” does and more.

Study, work, grow and play and have your say and help others do the same. Build. Build. Build. Build yourself up and keep building and do everything. Keep doing things. Don’t think life is limited. Do lots of things to change and evolve your thinking and scope. Work and study unlimited. Your body, mind and aura will change to be better and nicer and become more handsome/beautiful. Focus on good things like building new tools and making things better. I think this requires you to think alone so you can focus on the greater good without negative selfish influence from yourself and others.

There is always the better or best good way to think about life and people. I find that when working alone in my room concentrated on my passions and work. That is all you can focus on. That is all you can focus on when you are old and half-way in life.

There is the broader universal way I learned growing up here in Canada, but that doesn’t allow you to be individualistic with new ideas for me. I think different naturally that makes me try and do new things. It sometimes doesn’t fit the broader narrative. But I am trying something new. I think it is needed and you have to be yourself to try new things. Otherwise you stay stagnant and crumble maybe. At my age, you have to do something. At 40 is when life really starts. Some people just stay within the boundaries …

Anyways when I am alone doing my own thing, it is good. I guess that is all you really have in life. All you have now is yourself.