
Updates (August 8, 2024)

After tolling for a week after finishing work, I realized this. For everyone who reaches my stage, you have to strive for excellence.

After school.

After work.

After realizing how small you are in the world.

After realizing how much knowledge and information is out there.

There is just striving for excellence in what you do.

This reel is also true more after seeing this:

“Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thought.”

I realize this is true now.

You aren’t suppose to think about people really.

You are not suppose to think about segregation and how people hold power and influence others directly.

What are you really going to think about and do that makes you push and think forward whole in this world?

Being in Canada, being born in Canada, has this …

  • You can live negatively and live very badly and don’t care about nothing really
  • You can live within working society doing simple routine work
  • You can aspire for management work as a boss in some business like retail
  • You can be an academic
  • You can do your own thing like open a business like a mom and pop store
  • You can think on your own within Canada and do what you want just using your mind. You can actually do your strongest thought.

At old age like 40 years old, what else is there? You don’t want to live “very badly”. The only direction left is using your mind.

What is my strongest thought?

My strongest thought is to build things like in software. I like the feeling of unlimited room and space for any type of object and modify and manipulate it anyway I can.

There are actual limitations in programming but I am talking about building what I want which is not really limited in the physical sense.

I also realized now after school and working, people want to be understood their way first. You have to take the time to understand them and all their quirks (negative and positive). Then judge and then allow everyone to grow and become mature to eliminate all the bad negative feelings towards each other. Then push everyone to think universal and singular towards the highest levels.

This happens usually when people are married and have children though …

To think singular is hard when you are young as you aren’t that educated enough and don’t have all that life experiences to find and use all the information to be independent.

At 40, I did a lot of things and studied enough and made a lot of friends and learned life skills and coping skills to be independent. I guess that is normal? … Not everyone studies a lot of things and they just do the minimum. Some people are stuck thinking negative and want people to help them …

If you focus too much on making money and a life for yourself, maybe that is just you. Maybe your strongest thought and passion is making money and a life.

I guess at 40 years old, all I can do is focus on my strongest thought and see where that takes me. Can I monetize my strongest thought?

I got to figure this one out.

When you are hitting your limit, it is suffocating. I need to take a step back, relax and learn to grow up reaching my next stage and keep learning and growing from everyone and everything.

The best growth and medicine is to do more working on the things you need and want.

Society, especially young adults, think life is always like high school. That is a problem for me. That is why I am not on YouTube and not posting on social media things that might be related to thinking like a young adult. It doesn’t help anything. Thinking like a young adult is so bad as you don’t grow and become your own old wise person.

When you get old, people are people. Life is guided by your strongest thought with your similar frequency friends influencing you to strive for more and be better.