
Updates (August 7, 2024)

So after working and getting life experience, I realize the farther things. I realized you must reach and push farther to have relevancy and keep things equal and have a say.

I sit here in my room, programming and learning on the Internet. I push really hard to program each and every day now.

It seems like this activity is now needed and understood. What else after 40 years of life? It helps me be healthy, strong and builds me. I got things to do. I can sit there and zone out and detach from my body and get lost in zone.

The funny thing about society and school is categorizing people. You don’t get anywhere in life if you are racist and stereotype people. Not for yourself or anyone else. You don’t grow into the individual you want and don’t become the person women want to marry and have a family with. Attracting Vietnamese women is new and different and hard.

I am so thankful I finished school last year and worked and realize how stupid categorizing people is in the world. I don’t grow and become a person of women’s interest if I judge people and let people judge me. Good thing I realize that now and focus on pushing now to get away from society.

As a Vietnamese person it is just awful how people treat us Vietnamese people (being Western born) with old stereotypes and keep us down. It has been 50 years after the Vietnam War and I still get mistreated. Good thing I can ignore this in Canada and no one can do anything. Rising above racism is what makes people be smart and civil and right.

Pushing now is normal. I got to stay on the edge doing developmental tasks to get to that next level and stay there. I just got to sit there with my computer and plug away in the coding editor.

I got to just make programming a routine. Think abstract and creative and zone out all the time to have something of value and for myself. Make it so routine and normal. This is the new norm. Accepting this life is normal now.

Being Vietnamese is hard. Especially if you are doing a new career and learning higher level thinking. As one of the oldest Vietnamese born in the West, I have a distinct life. I can try to learn from other Vietnamese but I guess it is all learning from every person and every experience. Being Vietnamese-Canadian you try to learn from all experiences and are very malleable and sometimes you don’t know who you are. But at the end of the day it is to push to build something you like and are interested in. Men build things instead of playing games all day.