
Updates (August 3, 2024)

Life is to get more knowledgeable and healthier. Learning more about life and looking at more posts like this.

This is the post that makes sense now during this time in my life.

You got to be creative.

Unconscious mind is instincts. You got to use your gut and do the things needed to get there.

The conscious mind and changing your habits won’t change you. You fail a lot and procrastinate in the conscious level. Subconscious level are habits. You already know the answers to life. You got to learn and learn and learn to change things. Training and drilling. As you practice you get muscle memory which is knowledge, physical knowledge in the body.

“If you had to sum up wealth in one word, Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) said creativity. If you ain’t creative, you ain’t going to be wealthy. And if you don’t have knowledge, you can’t be creative. And how do you get knowledge? Training and drilling and then as you practice you get muscle memory which is like knowledge, physical knowledge in the body. What about habits? Habits are not that good. You have the conscious mind which is like where you fail a lot. You procrastinate at the conscious level and below that you have the subconscious that’s habits. So you can improve your habits but it’s not that good. The unconscious mind is level three which is instincts. Kobe Bryant (NBA Player) used to say, I got to shoot 800 shots before practice. He won five rings. So that’s why I said God or Physics, Laws of Universe, knowledge acquisition, creativity created, wealth enjoyed.”

So after doing some web work, I learned that it is more about structure and efficiency. The more I practice learning about WordPress, I learn more about structure and efficiency. The act of learning more about WordPress, I understand the complexity and how to use it in life. I feel more gratitude and learned how to manage better after I learned the complex nature of structure and efficiency of WordPress. The more complex structures you learn the better you handle life. Computing is not just using a Graphical User Interface (GUI or WYSIWYG) to make things easier. It is about learning and building it really. Taking the time to actually learn the bits and pieces of everything to appreciate and manage expectations. The more you understand how complex and how things go and flow, the more stable, knowledgeable, satiated, and understanding you feel and become. Keep learning the complex nature of the world especially web development. You become a part of it and just stand at the lip of it to not get too emotional or jumpy. You will rise and be above the general feelings and expectations of society.

The act of learning everything about WordPress which runs 30% of the websites on the Internet, enables you to get that knowledge. It is the sizable portion. After that you can do more. But not only WordPress, if you develop on top of WordPress then that is a lot more. Develop plugins, editors, widgets, your own themes. You can make it more customizable. Tailor it to your needs or your customer’s needs. Add more art into it. The possibilities are almost endless. Just being a “WordPress developer” is an good goal. It is possibly a goal that is achievable and realistic. Won’t be so large that it is so hard to reach.

There was always more. More with people and searching for more in life.

The course of changing. To change your life and change how you think, it takes a huge effort. After you have exhausted everything and searched for all the self-help gurus, this is what makes sense in this post:

“It is not glamorous. It is lonely, as you start changing everything around you as everything starts changing. It is not fun in the beginning. And you either have to have an incredible amount of hope or a ridiculous amount of inspiration and delusion. Or you have to be in so much pain that the alternative to continuing this pain that you are in is to try something different because it is the only thing that might be slightly be less painful than than what you are doing.”

I understand my problem out in society now. I have to stay indoors and code all day to have a life. I can not get wrapped up in drama because their are boundaries and limits that can not be tested. I guess this is going to take time and I need to finally relax. I got to live for me because out in society is not really nice. I guess that is acceptable.

I need to focus on one thing I like or kind of like at a time. Where is dedication to creativity and fun and enjoyment????

The way I think here in the West is very open. Open for discussion. That is why I can only get along with people who have lived in the West for a long time.

I do have a life. Especially at 40 years old. It is interesting how I feel and feel limited.

When you can not get along, you just can’t get along. Especially when you are old the window is 100% open.

You can really live the way you want here in Canada. The wider picture always prevails. No need to get stuck in the general crowds.