
Updates (August 2, 2024)

It is good to learn a lot and do things that are really far out there. You get so much in return. Is it worth it? It gets to a point where you must decide to live a normal life or a far out there one.

How is my life? Because of my friends, family and what I feel, my life is pretty good. I should feel gratitude. I am thankful.

I will always be reminded of standing there in downtown Oshawa, thinking what am I doing? What am I really doing at 40 years old.

So I just did OK for my work. I guess you have to understand web design like a five star professional really. Make websites easy to make like Wix and Squarespace to have anything. Can you really push to do that? Well that is the goal. If you don’t then what is there in life as a web developer? I guess that is the actual goal. Keep learning and doing that until you get some of that.

I guess you have to have these lofty goals to push. After working now in programming I really realize life as building and making things and the act of it is the purpose and growth of life. There is still a long ways to climb. Mountains as big as Everest. I guess I understand life now. More mountains and more mountains. That is all there is in life. I am lucky to have my friends who support me and grow me and we grow together. Seems so interesting after 40 years and 50 years since the Vietnam War. It is growth and unlimited growth from here on in.