
Updates (July 31, 2024)

After socializing more and more to people that I like and care for, I am growing and learning and developing.

There are multiple ways at looking at life. But ultimately the thing I think you should value is what would the wise old 80 year old Western Liberal man want to see in you? What do you want to see at 80 years old?

I went shopping at Shopper’s Drug Mart today to buy some diet soda (Pepsi Zero), there was nothing going on in the store while shopping. When I walked out a 60-70 year old customer walked by and tried to read me. Yes, in Oshawa, the old Canadians thoughts matters. What was I doing in my life? I guess what your teachers teach in your youth does not actually matter no more. After socializing with peers that I can collaborate with, the old Westerners see the value and meaning in life of me being me. It is not really cultural or Asian or Vietnamese. What am I actually living for? Well I guess it is to live in your mind and not care about the superficial stuff really. What am I developing solely in my mind and what I am doing creatively in the Western sense is life. It is not about money. It is about building. First building a foundation, then structure, and doing things that affect you and then doing something on your own to have a say and an unique voice to help and teach how people grow old and wise and think full and whole. I only got this way from growing old. I look old now and lost my body. Now I am just a thinker and doer. I guess I am OK now. No need to think young and “bad” now. After seeing what old Westerners think of me, I feel comfortable and changed now to accept now that I am OK and thinking in the clear. No more of that young adult stuff. It was always about growing mature and old and wise at the end.

All you can enjoy now is to keep upgrading yourself. Especially at old age.

Can you keep teaching young people to think old and wise? Are you growing old and wise? I guess it is a cycle of learning and growing wise and teaching that to friends and family. Anyways as a old person now, it is to grow old and wise and keep learning and upgrading. Keep going till 80 years old.

Sharing your life and how to think and grow old and wise is what there is. Especially teaching the younger generation. Teaching the next gen how to grow. Especially if they think, look and act like you.