
Updates (July 30, 2024)

Ask yourself now what do you really want to do?

After working now and understanding the journey to get more skilled and continue to work, life is understood.

Working in healthcare is the ‘helpful culture’? It is the caring and attendance provided I think that makes things feel good and work. It is the love and respect. Attention given that makes things work and be healthy. Is there burnout? Empathy burnout? What can you provide that heals and enables others? Let’s people live life to the fullest?

If you don’t get married then you just constantly think till you are dead as a philosopher. I think Socrates said something like that.

It is where you were born that has an affect on your life.

Now that I am out there, I realize how I grew up and where I was born has the effect on me.

After everything (school, work and socializing), you realize now how far do you have to think to feel, feel good and help.

You have to learn from programmers that are better and want to teach and learn and learn.

It seems like there are 2 realities: harshest realities and that only Vietnamese people care for what I do in reality. Only my people really understand and hit the core in what I feel? Everyone is the same but what hits the core?

Make coding your life. Take it one tiny step at a time. You have all this free time in the world here in Canada, so you might as well live this path.

Out in the world, don’t make definitive definitions.

No one care for a 40 year old Vietnamese man who doesn’t know how to think and care and create for himself.

When you get so old, learning and deeper learning is all there is and doing it creatively that speaks to your soul. Your body and outside relations don’t matter. Social things don’t really matter. I am getting to look ugly now. So what I look like and what I stand for means nothing in the ‘thinking game’.

It is interesting to see Asians living out in the suburbs away from the GTA working in their home office coding and doing technical things from home. That is the skill you want. That is the skill you need. I guess that require dedication and the love of technical things.

Problems in life are just because you don’t have the experience and friends that are the same as you from the same background. When people are from the same background then you grow and lift each other up in ideas and projects together.

Just work and do stuff all day.

Develop good habits and make a good network to keep accountable by them.