
Updates (July 28, 2024)
If you are going to be creative you have to be in a state of play. You can’t play if you are being careful. If you are trying to not make mistakes it destroys creativity completely because if you have a new idea you can’t immediately say that is a mistake until you have explored it
Surround yourself with relentless humans. People who plan in decades. But live in moments. Train like savages. Create like artists. Obsess in work. Relax in life. People who know life is finite. And choose to play infinite games. Find people going up mountains. And climb together.
Winning is not a single event. It is a self-reinforcing cycle. The more you win the more your biochemistry leads you to keep winning. Dopamine, adrenaline, testosterone. Winning breeds winning. But the same goes for the flip side. The more you lose, the more likely you are to lose again. Here where small wins prove valuable. Every small win completes a dopaminergic circuit. The dopamine release produces neural energy, increases confidence, and amplifies future oriented thinking. Small wins infuse motivation. Small wins build momentum. Small wins open winning cycles
Working out will make you feel weak, but when actually it is making you stronger. Learning new things will make you feel dumb while it is making you smarter. Investing in yourself makes you feel broke when actually it is making you rich. Facing your fears will make you feel terrified when it is actually making you braver. Never hold yourself back. Strive to be better tomorrow than you are today. Thank yourself later.
Men are the happiest when they are building.
Working on a business.
Getting in shape.
Laser focused on a goal.
Growing their wealth.
Progress makes men feel alive.

  • You will always feel dumb, weak, and tired. This is after getting a highly intellectual job and doing the work which is ongoing. Feeling weak and dumb is everyday while working. You have to get used to it if you plan to work, work and work. And when you work you are going to have to aim to win to feel the complete cycle to feel good. You will have to build and rebuild more and more efficient and more stable structures.
  • But if you plan to be creative, then you are just in a state of play for the rest of your life here in Canada.
  • Is it really worth it? Can you be obsessed with work when doing web development? No, it is creative in the arts. You can not really sit down and try to make something efficient and boxed up. So I guess you have to relax and be in a state of play while doing web development and take as long as you can. Projects that take 6 months instead of working on the clock.
  • The drain is real and now understandable and acceptable as a way of life when you finally accept that life is work. As work gives life meaning. It gives it structure and something to build on.
  • After talking to people from my background from all different perspectives, I realize there is only one way, the Vietnamese-Canadian way. That is to work hard and strong until there is nothing left. This is especially true when you are born here in Canada. None of that nonsense or relying on others or different thinking really. It is confirmed now how to think here in Canada. You have to be active and proactive to live.
  • Web development is already created. Everything has already been created mostly and the solutions are found online. Doing it is not really a huge feat. So you can be comfortable doing it for life maybe. Maybe freelance/self-employed web developer.
  • You can not really change what you stand for. To have a say in this world you must stand for something good and noble and you can not really just slot in there if you are born here in Canada. Individualism is a huge thing to make you go about your daily life. You can not be defined by others.
  • You have to figure out how to live on your own because the harshest reality is bad. Can you really stand on your two feet alone?
  • After working and doing stuff for yourself finally, you have to stand by what you think. You can not really just slot in there. Otherwise you just are a spoke in the wheel. You can live as a spoke in the wheel. But do you really want to when faced the harshest of realities?
  • You have to ask yourself what you should be doing, you realize all of life was to get ready to be independent. That was to learn everything to do everything on your own when faced with the harshest realities of this world. But at the end also, it is to do what you want. What you desire controls you and makes you sick. But after learning computer programming, life is good because you can build everything you want. Therefore you don’t crave what other people have and what others can do. You can build everything yourself. It is the time and space to build whatever that makes life pleasant and “in the zone” to have a nice happy stable life. The process of building and learning is what makes life worthwhile as a engineer or programmer. The more you engineer life gets better.
  • Everyone should take the time and energy to become some type of engineer so they can build almost everything. Take the time to learn everything you want and then some more and rest on the idea to build what you need instead of asking or relying on others. The zoning in on engineering or building is the action you need to live healthy and stable and pleasant.
  • It is not about the prestige of walking into work as “XYZ” job title. It is the actual engineering that feeds you. That means to stay at home in your room doing what you love without the care in the world of pleasing others or trying getting along with everyone. It is the work that is pleasing foremost. What did the other great engineers of the past do? Can’t you do the same?
  • You can live happy knowing all of this. You can basically be yourself. I am a happy dude. I should take note of this but maintain my happy mood. It all just takes time. Once you got enough skills then you can work. Maybe not serious and on the bleeding edge but happy and content doing at least something.
  • Also learned you have to have people that understand you and people from you culture too. It is abysmal trying to get other people to think like you sometimes and understand your way of life: Life at home and outside.
  • Honestly you can live happy-go-lucky now.
  • After you get to this point or 1-2 years doing web development, you can finally relax. I guess life was to build this much knowledge to be self-sufficient.
  • Or you can be one of those guys who have 90% of everything (looks, money, race, health) who just studies all the time and thinks. Theoretically mostly when young.